54 rue Carnot, BP 3370, Dakar, Sénégal + 221 33 822 24 96 info@endaenergie.org

Towards the development and operationalization of technological action plans at the national level in Africa and the Caribbean.

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Towards the development and operationalization of technological action plans at the national level in Africa and the Caribbean.

ENDA ENERGIE in partnership with the UDP (DTU Partnership and the United Nations Environment Program), organized, from April 24 to 25, 2019, a French-speaking regional capacity building workshop for a group of countries in Africa and in the Caribbean, on tools and methods for prioritizing technological needs. This workshop, which is part of the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, should enable beneficiary countries to further refine climate policies and, above all, contribute to the development and implementation of programs. and technology transfer projects with the help of national financial resources in certain countries or through multilateral cooperation.


In the process of implementing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), technology transfer constitutes one of the essential pillars of policies and programs for adaptation and mitigation of climate change, especially in countries in development.


Since the entry into force of the UNFCCC, frameworks and mechanisms including the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) have been established and operationalized to contribute to the urgency of climate action and also to sustainable development with low carbon emissions. GES.


With this in mind, all phases of the EBT financed by the GEF (Global Environment Fund) allowed from 2009 to 2017, more than 80 countries including Senegal, to make strategic choices on available climate technologies. . Above all, they enabled countries to develop technological action plans and project ideas for adaptation and mitigation of climate change capable of contributing significantly to the operationalization of the sectoral ambitions of the NDCs (contributions determined at the national level). ) in progress.


Still considering the difficult access and notorious complexity of climate finance mechanisms, the new approach of EBT III (2018 – 2020) for the benefit of 23 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) ) will place particular emphasis on technical support for the development of concept notes. This new approach will thus facilitate the mobilization of financial resources and consequently, the implementation of the technological action plans developed.


This new dynamic of support focused both on technology transfers and on access to climate finance justifies in more than one way the organization of this regional workshop on the first stage of the process: the identification and prioritization of climate technologies. Taking into account the lessons learned within the framework of TBA I and II, the experts' capacity development workshop held in Senegal, integrated new approaches deemed relevant and necessary to establish a good policy of resilient and low-cost sustainable development. GHG emissions. Specifically, it was about the integration of gender and the promotion of endogenous technologies throughout the EBT process and particularly at the level of prioritization of technologies.


54 rue Carnot, BP 3370, Dakar, Sénégal


+ 221 33 822 24 96

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