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COP 28: The COP of assessment and implementation for effective and fair transformations

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COP 28: The COP of assessment and implementation for effective and fair transformations

Dubai is hosting the 28th United Nations climate summit from November 30 to December 12. 2023 is a crucial year for responsibility and honesty about the goals to be achieved. An ambitious, bold response is expected in the face of the first global assessment which already highlights the enormous gap that remains to be filled to respect the commitments under the Paris Agreement. According to the UN, these commitments would only reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2% in 2030, compared to 2019.

For this Conference of the Parties, the first global stocktaking would constitute a test moment to demonstrate that States are serious in their desire to close the gaps to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement, by guiding all actors to accelerate immediate actions for transformations in all countries, sectors and systems, and to strengthen international cooperation as required to implement the Paris goals.
It is important to note that COP 28 opens in an international context marked by conflicts and wars, economic inflation which accentuates the vulnerability of communities, particularly those in Southern countries already marked by the impacts of
climate change and poverty; thus exacerbating injustices, particularly climatic, social and economic. Some studies recognize the Sahel as one of three ecological hotspots, which include regions under increased environmental stress and more likely to collapse.
The Sahel climate is characterized by extreme temperatures, periods of fluctuating precipitation, and intense drought. According to the United Nations, the region is particularly vulnerable to climate change, with temperatures rising 1.5 times faster than the global average..

Papier de position ENDA COP 28 read here:


54 rue Carnot, BP 3370, Dakar, Sénégal


+ 221 33 822 24 96

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