54 rue Carnot, BP 3370, Dakar, Sénégal + 221 33 822 24 96 info@endaenergie.org

SENEGAL-MINES-ENVIRONMENT / Kédougou: establishment of a communal cooperative for the conservation of biodiversity in Tomboronkoto

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SENEGAL-MINES-ENVIRONMENT / Kédougou: establishment of a communal cooperative for the conservation of biodiversity in Tomboronkoto

Kédougou 8 August (APS) – The NGO Enda Energie and the mining company Pettowol Mining have set up a cooperative for the conservation of biodiversity for the benefit of 16 women's groups in the commune of Tomboronkoto, in the region of Kédougou.

This biodiversity preservation program aims to help this commune to "compensate for the residual losses that were observed during the implementation of the Mako gold mine project, namely Petowal Mining Company (PMC)", explained Mamadou Diouf, head of the biodiversity compensation program of the community component, at the said mining company.

He was speaking at the "Family House" in the village of Mako, in the presence of the mayor of the commune of Tomboronkoto, Nfaly Camara, and the head of Enda Energie, Ousmane Ngingue, as part of the establishment of the cooperative. The meeting was chaired by the deputy sub-prefect of the Bandafassi district, Alioune Mbodj.

Enda Energie and PMC have identified conservation areas for 13 villages in the commune of Tomboronkoto.

“These 13 villages have agreed in a participatory manner with the communities to conserve the habitats of chimpanzees, hippos, leopards, lions and plant species,” he said.

Ousmane Ngnigue indicated that management rules are being put in place around the communal cooperative.

“This is a program to support communities, especially women’s groups in the commune of Tomboronkoto, in these biodiversity and ecosystem conservation areas that will also perhaps generate income in a sustainable manner,” he added.


Source : # https://aps.sn/kedougou-mise-en-place-dune-cooperative-communale-pour-la-conservation-de-la-biodiversite-a-tomboronkoto/


54 rue Carnot, BP 3370, Dakar, Sénégal


+ 221 33 822 24 96

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