54 rue Carnot, BP 3370, Dakar, Sénégal + 221 33 822 24 96 info@endaenergie.org

Towards a Low Carbon and Resilient Strategy: Validation of Scenarios for Agricultural, Industrial and Infrastructure Transitions

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Towards a Low Carbon and Resilient Strategy: Validation of Scenarios for Agricultural, Industrial and Infrastructure Transitions

On July 2, 2024, at the Résidences Mamounes in Dakar, the technical workshop aimed at validating low-carbon and climate-resilient development scenarios for Senegal was held. Organized by ENDA ENERGIE, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Ecological Transition (METE) and the Ministry of Energy, Petroleum and Mines (MEPM), this event brought together members of the transition thematic groups and other key stakeholders to present the scenarios developed by the core groups of the Agricultural, Infrastructure and Industrial transitions.

The main objective of the session was to present, exchange and technically validate the scenarios and their narratives (detailed description of the scenarios). More specifically, it was a question of exposing and clarifying the contents of the scenarios for a common understanding, ensuring the coherence of the scenarios of the aforementioned transitions and ultimately enabling the thematic, transversal group, climate change and sustainable development goals (GT-CC&ODD) to identify a final scenario that will be in line with those of the other transitions

After the participants had settled in and an opening speech from the representatives of COMNACC, METE, MEPM, and Enda Energie, the participants divided into three working groups for intensive sessions to review the scenarios and their narratives for each theme. These working sessions were marked by a common will and determination of the members of the thematic groups to have a set of scenarios that are in line with the country's economic development orientations while gradually ensuring the climate dimension. The groups then met for a plenary session, where they presented the results of their work for validation.

The plenary session made it possible to technically restore and validate all the scenarios. Although some require reformulations and adjustments, the workshop generally achieved its objectives. The three core groups demonstrated a remarkable capacity for collaboration and a deep understanding of the issues. The validation of the scenarios marks a decisive step in the initiative to finally begin the quantitative modeling exercises.

This workshop represents a crucial step in the development of Senegal's Long-Term Strategy (LTS) aligned with the country's Long-Term Vision (LTV). By technically validating these scenarios, Senegal reaffirms its commitment to a dynamic of sober and resilient long-term development while contributing to achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement. On this, the next steps will include benchmarking the tools, quantitative modeling of the validated scenarios and the development of the country document (LTS). This collaborative and inclusive approach illustrates Senegal's commitment to building a more sustainable future for all.


54 rue Carnot, BP 3370, Dakar, Sénégal


+ 221 33 822 24 96

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