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Senegal in the Development Phase of its Long-Term Strategy for a Low Carbon Transition

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Senegal in the Development Phase of its Long-Term Strategy for a Low Carbon Transition

On June 27 and 28, 2024, the Axil hotel in Dakar hosted a technical session of the Co-construction of Senegal's low-carbon and climate-resilient development trajectory initiative. This initiative is part of the country's commitments to the Paris Agreement in Article 4, paragraph 19, which urges State Parties to identify and develop resilient and low-carbon development trajectories.

Senegal, through the Ministry of the Environment and Ecological Transition (METE) and the Ministry of Energy, Oil and Mines (MEPM), has validated its Long Term Vision (LTV), by building on the work of the thematic groups (Energy, Industry, Infrastructure, Agriculture, water and land use) of the initiative. In addition, the results (quantitative and qualitative) of the said initiative will make it possible to develop the Long-Term Strategy of Senegal (LTS), the launch of which is planned in the coming months.

The main objective of the technical session was to develop narratives of transition scenarios for agricultural systems, land and water use, infrastructure and industry. Following the opening session marked by a reminder of the previous stages and the expected results of the workshop, the three Core groups (CG) began the technical work with a review of the different scenarios identified. The CG leads then shared the framework for developing the narratives of the scenarios in order to allow a common understanding in the editorial process.

The first day was devoted to the presentation and review of the scenarios, followed by the distribution of tasks within the working groups. A writing session followed, where the core groups of the Agriculture-Land-Water (ATE), Infrastructure Transition (TI) and Industrial Transition (IT) transitions worked on the content of the scenarios while highlighting the new orientations and sectoral policies defined in the project.

On the second day, a restitution of the previous day's work was carried out, thus allowing the members of the CG to provide the necessary observations with a view to consolidating the narratives of the said scenarios. The drafting sessions continued, with particular attention paid to the coherence and alignment of the reference scenario with current policies. The work resulted in the formulation of precise scenarios, detailing the levers, strategic issues and indicators which should guide the modeling exercise.

Although the work was not entirely finalized during these two days, each group committed to finalizing their documents in preparation for the scenario validation workshop scheduled for July 2, 2024 in Dakar. This decisive step will make it possible to validate the scenarios developed and launch the quantitative modeling exercise, thus marking significant progress in the implementation of Senegal's Long Term Strategy.


54 rue Carnot, BP 3370, Dakar, Sénégal


+ 221 33 822 24 96

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