54 rue Carnot, BP 3370, Dakar, Sénégal + 221 33 822 24 96 info@endaenergie.org

Promoting the Energy Resilience of small producers: Visit to the Irrigated Fields of Gossas

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Promoting the Energy Resilience of small producers: Visit to the Irrigated Fields of Gossas

Gossas on May 24, 2024, around ten journalists actively participated in the visit to the irrigated fields organized by ENDA ENERGIE. This visit is part of the CFI MEDIA program which aims to strengthen the capacities of the media in the processing and production of environmental information. The irrigated fields were carried out as part of the project "Energy for the resilience of entrepreneurship of small producers in the milk value chain in Senegal", an innovative initiative which tests an economic model based on the solarization of fodder plots for management water efficiency, thus contributing to the development of an autonomous local milk market. The visit allowed journalists from different national channels to discover an innovative economic model that supports local milk production and improves agricultural resilience. The irrigated field is home to various plant species such as okra, onion and eggplant, as well as dairy cows, demonstrating the practical application of solarization to optimize agricultural production.

This project has a significant impact on small producers by improving their ability to produce local milk independently, thereby reducing dependence on imports and boosting the local economy. More than sixty families in the Gossas department directly benefit from this initiative, which strengthens food security and supports rural entrepreneurship. The solarization of forage plots allows efficient water management, essential for sustainable agriculture in this region. This project highlights the importance of technological innovation in the agricultural sector, demonstrating how renewable energy can be used to improve the resilience and productivity of local communities. ENDA ENERGIE, in collaboration with its partners, continues its commitment to promoting sustainable energy solutions to strengthen the resilience of local communities. This field visit to Gossas is part of a broader initiative to support local entrepreneurship and promote sustainable agricultural practices through technological innovations.


54 rue Carnot, BP 3370, Dakar, Sénégal


+ 221 33 822 24 96

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