54 rue Carnot, BP 3370, Dakar, Sénégal + 221 33 822 24 96 info@endaenergie.org

Building resilience: Using local raw materials to make soap

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Building resilience: Using local raw materials to make soap

As part of the Program to Accelerate Integrated Management of Climate Resilience (AGIR Petite Côte), funded by the European Union and implemented by the consortium ENDA ENERGIE, JVE Sénégal and IPSIA, a saponification and bleaching workshop of three days was organized on May 28, 29 and 30, 2024 in Saly. This workshop aimed to strengthen the climatic and economic resilience of the populations and ecosystems of the Little Senegalese Coast, by emphasizing the importance of using local raw materials.

The workshop trained 24 women members of various local organizations. From day one, participants were introduced to the basic products needed for saponification and the preparation of bleach and regular soap. Particular attention was paid to the use of local raw materials such as carrots, turmeric, mbeurbeuf and khay. These ingredients, available locally, were chosen for their fragrant and enriching properties, but also for their potential to support the local economy by promoting the region's natural resources.

On the second day, the participants decanted the bleach and began making soaps with different scents, all enriched with local raw materials. The day also included theoretical sessions to deepen their understanding of manufacturing processes, allowing them to take detailed notes and replicate the recipes across their different organizations. By using local ingredients, they have not only learned to create quality products, but also to highlight the natural riches of their environment, which strengthens the local economy while respecting sustainability.

The third day was devoted to restitution and revision of the knowledge acquired. The participants cut up the soaps made the previous days and shared their products, allowing them to appreciate the fruit of their work and see the added value brought by local raw materials. This final step built their confidence in their new skills and prepared them to use these techniques to improve their income and promote local products.

At the end of this training, the women acquired increased mastery of soap and bleach manufacturing techniques, while respecting the safety standards necessary for handling chemicals. They also learned packaging techniques, essential for promoting their products on the local market. This workshop, organized by ENDA ENERGIE, JVE Senegal and IPSIA, proved to be a valuable initiative for the economic empowerment of women in the Petite Côte. Thanks to the support of the European Union and the ICZM program, these women now have the necessary skills to develop their own microenterprises. By promoting local raw materials, they can not only strengthen their economic resilience but also promote the richness and diversity of their natural environment.


54 rue Carnot, BP 3370, Dakar, Sénégal


+ 221 33 822 24 96

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